All cooperation requested from devotees for temple construction. Those devotee will pay Rs. 1,000,00000/- or collect such amount he will become Lifetime Member of committee. Those devotee will pay Rs. 5,00,00000/- or more than that amount he will become normal member of committee. Life member has the only right to be part of Samit’s work. Normal member are allowed to give suggestion only in written and working committee may be consider the same. Those devotees are interested to join activities of Temple Samiti, kindly contact to Temple General Secretary.
Shri Balaji Maharaj Vivek Vihar Seva samiti
P NO-2 Block D Market D Block Market Vivek Vihar Near Main Road Delhi 110095
Business Hours
Our support Hotline is available 24 Hours a day:
- Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 10am to 2pm
- Sunday: Closed
Phone: 011-22162630 , 011-43045400
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]